Meeting Minutes

October 13, 2016 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting Jim called the meeting to order at 8 o’clock . In attendance were commissioners Mike, Jim, Roger, and Gordon. Dallin was absent. BC’s present were Mitch Bingham, Jim Kelley, and Blaine Ker. Roy Kennedy was absent.   Fire Chief Bryan Grover and Assistant Chief Carl Anderson were attending training in Boise and…

September 8, 2016 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting Jim called the meeting to order at 8pm.  The commissioners in attendance were Mike, Gordon, Dallin, and Jim.  Roger was excused.  Chief Bryan Grover and Asst. Chief Carl Anderson along with BC’s  Mitch Bingham,  Jim Kelly, Blain Ker and Roy Kennedy  were present.  Melanie Sullivan was taking the minutes.  See patron…

August 11, 2016 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting Jim called the meeting to order at 8 pm. Mike Miller was absent. The opening prayer was offered by Roy Kennedy. Chief Bryan Grover and Asst. Chief Carl Anderson along with BC’s Jim Kelley, Blaine Ker, Roy Kennedy, and Mitch Bingham. Melanie Sullivan was present as secretary. There were several patrons…

July 14, 2016 Minutes

2016-2017 Budget Hearing Jim called the annual budget hearing was to order at 8:00 p.m. Nile Hall gave the opening prayer. Nile presented the proposed budget for the coming fiscal year. He indicated that there will be no levy increase and proposed a 2016-17 budget for Central Fire District of $ 1,030,000. There was no…

June 9, 2016 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting Jim called the Commissioner meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.. Jim Kelly gave the opening prayer. Those commissioners in attendance were Jim, Gordon, and Mike. Dallin was excused tonight. Chief Bryan Grover and Asst. Chief Carl Anderson along with BC’s represented by Jim Kelly, Blaine Ker, Roy Kennedy, and Mitch Bingham…

May 12, 2016 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting Jim called the Commissioner meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.. Gordon Ball gave the opening prayer. Those commissioners in attendance were Jim, Gordon, Dallin and Mike. Chief Bryan Grover and Asst. Chief Carl Anderson along with BC’s represented by Jim Kelly, Blaine Ker , Roy Kennedy, and Mitch Bingham were present.…

April 14, 2016 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting Jim called the Commissioner meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.. Those commissioners in attendance were Jim, Gordon, & Dallin with Mike being present on a speaker phone. Jim informed those in attendance that the meeting was being audio recorded. He also noted that a video camera had been set up to…

March 10, 2016 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting Jim called the Commissioner meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.. Those commissioners in attendance were Jim, Gordon, & Dallin with Mike being present on a speaker phone. Dallin gave the opening prayer. Chief Bryan Grover was excused. Asst. Chief Carl Anderson along with BC’s represented by Paul Bradley, Blaine Ker, Roy…

February 11, 2016 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting Jim called the Commissioner meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.. Those commissioners in attendance were Jim, Gordon , Mike, & Dallin. Mike gave the opening prayer. Chief Bryan Grover and Asst. Chief Carl Anderson along with BC’s represented by Paul Bradley, Blaine Ker, Roy Kennedy, and Mitch Bingham were present. Nile…