Meeting Minutes
November 12, 2015 Minutes
Fire District Commissioner Meeting Commissioner meeting began at 8:00. Those commissioners in attendance were Roger, Jim, Gordon, Dallin, & Mike. Chief Bryan Grover and Asst. Chief Carl Anderson along with BC’s represented by Paul Bradley, Blaine Ker, Roy Kennedy, and Mitch Bingham. Nile Hall was present as Secretary. Dennis Wilkinson, District attorney was also in…
Read MoreOctober 8, 2015 Minutes
Fire District Commissioner Meeting Commissioner meeting began at 8:10pm. Gordon welcomed and called the meeting to order. Nile gave the opening prayer. Those commissioners in attendance were Roger, Jim, Gordon, Dallin, & Mike. Chief Bryan Grover and Asst. Chief Carl Anderson along with BC’s represented by Paul Bradley, Blaine Ker, Carl Anderson, and Mitch Bingham.…
Read MoreSeptember 10, 2015 Minutes
Fire District Commissioner Meeting Commissioner meeting began at 8:00pm. Gordon welcomed and called the meeting to order. Roger gave the opening prayer. Those commissioners in attendance were Roger, Jim, Gordon, Dallin, & Mike. Chief Bryan Grover and Asst. Chief Carl Anderson along with BC’s represented by Paul Bradley, Blaine Ker, Roy Kennedy, and Mitch Bingham.…
Read MoreAugust 13, 2015 Minutes
Fire District Commissioner Meeting BUDGET HEARING: Hearing began at 8:00pm. Mike welcomed and called the meeting to order. Dallin gave the opening prayer. Those commissioners in attendance were Jim, Dallin, Mike, & Roger. Chief Bryan Grover and Asst. Chief Carl Anderson along with BC’s represented by Paul Bradley, Blaine Ker, Roy Kennedy, and Mitch Bingham.…
Read MoreJuly 9, 2015 Minutes
Fire District Commissioner Meeting Commissioner meeting began at 8:00 p.m. Gordon called the meeting to order. Roger Anderson gave the opening prayer. Those commissioners in attendance were Gordon, Jim, Mike and Roger. Chief Bryan Grover and Asst. Chief Carl Anderson along with B.C.’s represented by Paul Bradley, Blaine Ker, Roy Kennedy, and Mitch Bingham. Nile…
Read MoreJune 11, 2015 Minutes
Fire District Commissioner Meeting The Commissioner Meeting of Central Fire District commissioners was called to order by Chairman Gordon Ball and began at 8:10. Those commissioners in attendance were Gordon, Jim, Roger and Mike. Dallin came in later. The minutes of the May meeting were read and Mike moved to approve them, Jim seconded and…
Read MoreMay 14, 2015 Minutes
Fire District Commissioner Meeting The Central Fire District commissioner meeting was called to order by chairman Gordon Ball at 8:00 p.m. Commissioners in attendance were Gordon, Jim, Dallin, Mike and Roger. The budget review was presented by Nile and reported that we have had a big payroll this past month. We are approximately 7 months…
Read MoreApril 9, 2015 Minutes
Fire Commissioner Meeting The commissioner meeting began at 8:00 p.m. Commissioners in attendance were Gordon Ball, Jim Deuel, and Dallin Gambles. The Fire Chief Bryan Grover and Asst. Chief Carl Andersen in addition to the BC from each station were present. Gordon reported on interviews for a fire commissioner to replace Don Reed who submitted…
Read MoreMarch 12, 2015 Minutes
Fire District Commissioner Meeting Commissioner meeting began at 8:00 p.m. Gordon called the meeting to order. Roy Kennedy gave the opening prayer. Those commissioners in attendance were Gordon, Jim, Dallin, and Mike. Chief Bryan Grover and Asst. Chief Carl Anderson along with B.C.’s represented by Paul Bradley, Blaine Kerr, Roy Kennedy, and Mitch Bingham. AGENDA…
Read MoreFebruary 12, 2015 Minutes
Fire District Commissioner Meeting Commissioner meeting began at 8:00 p.m. Gordon called the meeting to order. JimDeuel gave the opening prayer. Those commissioners in attendance were Gordon, Jim, Dallin, Don and Mike. Chief Grover and Asst. Chief Carl Anderson along with B.C.’s represented by Jim Kelly, Blaine Kerr, Roy Kennedy, and Mitch Bingham. AGENDA APPROVAL:…
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