July 8, 2021 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting

Opening Prayer: Jim called the meeting to order at 8:00.  The opening prayer was offered by Dallin Gambles.  Those present were Commissioners Jim Deuel, Mike Miller, Gordon Ball, Dallin Gambles, and Roger Anderson; Fire Chief Carl Anderson, Assistant Fire Chiefs Nic White and Jared Giannini; and Battalion Chiefs Blaine Ker, Mitch Bingham, and Corey Albertson. Dennis Wilkinson was present.  Melanie Sullivan kept the minutes.  There were a couple of patrons present.

Approval of Agenda– ACTION ITEM: Mike moved to approve the agenda as written.  Gordon seconded.   The vote by Jim, Mike, Gordon, Dallin, and Roger was unanimous. 

Approval of Minutes – ACTION ITEM: The minutes were reviewed by the commissioners previously.  Roger moved to accept the minutes as written.  Dallin seconded.   The vote by Jim, Mike, Gordon, Dallin, and Roger was unanimous. 

Budget Review: Melanie told the commissioners that Nile might need to do the budget hearing in September instead of August.  Melanie reviewed the budget.  We are well below budget in all categories except payroll and well below budget overall.  Carl reminded us that there are still some large bills coming in.

Approval of Expenditures – ACTION ITEM :  Jim reviewed the expenditures and didn’t see anything out of order.  Jim moved to approve the expenditures in the amount of $32,702.29 and payroll in the amount of $54,035.33.  Dallin seconded.   The vote by Jim, Mike, Gordon, Dallin, and Roger was unanimous. 


  1. Ambulance contract with Idaho Falls fire – DISCUSSION ITEM: Idaho Falls asked Jefferson County for 25% increase for ambulance fees.  The total fees will be $265,980.  
  2. Research on ambulance services – DISCUSSION ITEM:  Car has been researching how much an ambulance service will cost.  He shared an article that included various factors that go into having an ambulance service. It can cost up to $300,000 just for the ambulance.   Carl said that the county could get grant to get the ambulance program going. He is getting a presentation together to present to the county commissioners. 



FIRE CHIEF REPORT: Carl reported that Central Fire has added the administration position of EMS chief.  Jared Giannini will fill this position.  Nick will do the fire side of administration. 

There was a huge house fire in Country Squire estates.  All four stations responded. 

They responded to several calls on highway 26.

Carl has been working with planning and zoning to get fire suppression done right with all the new construction going on. 

Carl is working with Nile to develop the budget. 
        – Battalion Chief input: none. 

ASSISTANT CHIEF REPORT:  Truck 163 should be ready to be delivered in a month. 

Jared said he is working to develop EMS training.  They responded to a couple of recoveries from the river. 

COMMISSIONER REPORTS: Jim called to adjourn the meeting at 8:35. Dallin moved to adjourn.  Mike seconded.   The vote by Jim, Mike, Gordon, Dallin, and Roger was unanimous. 

            Roger-EMS & Training/Gordon-Equipment /Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR