June 10, 2021 Minutes
Fire District Commissioner Meeting
Opening Prayer: Jim called the meeting to order at 8:00. Dallin offered the opening prayer. Those present were Commissioners Jim Deuel, Mike Miller, Gordon Ball, Dallin Gambles, and Roger Anderson; Fire Chief Carl Anderson with Assistant Fire Chief Nic White; and Battalion Chiefs Jim Kelly, Blaine Ker, Adam Rhodes representing Menan, and Corey Albertson. Melanie Sullivan recorded the minutes. There were a couple of patrons present.
Approval of Agenda– ACTION ITEM: Mike moved to approve the agenda as published. Dallin seconded. The vote by Jim, Mike, Gordon, Dallin, and Roger was unanimous.
Approval of Minutes – ACTION ITEM: The minutes were reviewed by the commissioners previously. Roger moved to approve the minutes. Dallin seconded. The vote by Jim, Mike, Gordon, Dallin, and Roger was unanimous.
Budget Review: Melanie reviewed the budget. Overall, we are below budget at this point in the fiscal year.
Approval of Expenditures – ACTION ITEM Jim looked over the expenditures and found everything to be within reason. He moved to approve expenses in the amount of $116,106.55 and salary at $48,736.33. Roger seconded. The vote by Jim, Mike, Gordon, Dallin, and Roger was unanimous.
- Lighting in Station 1 – DISCUSSION ITEM: All the lights have arrived and should be installed starting this Tuesday.
- Air conditioning – DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEM: Carl reported that the three-phase air conditioner unit that was mistakenly ordered for the Rigby station could be used in the Ririe station, which has no air conditioning. It would cost an additional $2,135.68 to get a single-phase air conditioner unit in Rigby. Dallin moved to purchase the new air conditioner and have the three-phase installed in Ririe. Roger seconded. The vote by Jim, Mike, Gordon, Dallin, and Roger was unanimous.
- ImageTrend contract – DISCUSSION ITEM: The contract was reviewed by Dennis and was signed for ImageTrend.
- iPad purchase – DISCUSSION ITEM: The iPads are purchased, here, and color coded for the station it belongs to.
- Bill for radios on foregone money – DISCUSSION ITEM: We received the 45 new radios. These were purchased with foregone money for $94,023.
- Sue Kenny – Jefferson County Fair Passport prize – ACTION ITEM: She explained how the passport program works. Sue Kenny asked the fire district to contribute a prize for the Jefferson County Fair children’s event. She also asked if one of the fire district employees could bring the prize to the fair on Aug. 20 and if the district would have a fire truck at the fair because the kids like to see it. Mike moved that the fire district participate in kid’s day at the fair by donating a prize valued at around $300. Dallin seconded. The vote by Jim, Mike, Gordon, Dallin, and Roger was unanimous.
FIRE CHIEF REPORT: Carl reported 140 calls: 118 EMS and 22 Fire calls. They have responded to several Highway 26 accidents. They responded to a drowning and saved the victim. They had a run review for gun shots with Dr. Lemon. Carl has been working closely with Dr. Harper. Rigby is growing and seeing more trauma. Many people would like to see an ambulance service in Rigby, which the leadership is working on.
ISO rating: Carl said they might get a better rating when the rater comes back in September because the rater didn’t have time to go over all the paperwork and test the water while he was here.
– Battalion Chief input: There was no input from the battalion chiefs.
ASSISTANT CHIEF REPORT: Nic reported that 163 should be done by the end of the month.
COMMISSIONER REPORTS: Mike moved to close the meeting at 8:40. Roger seconded. The vote by Jim, Mike, Gordon, Dallin, and Roger was unanimous.
Roger-EMS & Training/Gordon-Equipment /Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR