May 13, 2021 Minutes
Fire District Commissioner Meeting
Jim Deuel called the meeting to order. Present were Commissioners Gordon Ball, Dallin Gambles, Jim Deuel, Mike Miller and Roger Anderson. Fire Chief Carl Anderson and Assistant Fire Chief Nic White were present. Battalion Chiefs Jim Kelley, Blaine Ker, Mitch Bingham and Corey were also present. Jared Giannini and Paul Bradley were Patrons. Attorney Dennis Wilkinson was present. Nile Hall took minutes.
Opening Prayer: Mike Miller
Approval of Agenda: Roger moved to approve the agenda. Mike 2nd. All commissioners were in favor.
Approval of minutes: Mike moved to approve the April minutes as written. Gordon 2nd with all in favor.
Budget Review: Nile reported spending 46.7% of the fiscal year budget. This compared with 58% of the fiscal year completed.
Approval of Expenditures: Jim made a motion to accept the expenditures of $41,731.23 and payroll of $52,676.33. Dallin 2nd and all commissioners were in favor.
Public Input: None.
Old Business: SEI and Electrical Wholesale were given the bid to replace the lighting in Station 1 with high bay lights for $12,609.41 with a $2,260.00 rebate from Rocky Mountain Power gives a savings of $3,650.59 from the original allocation of $14,000.00.
Discussion continues with fact finding and ideas regarding ways that could be used to handle the increased need of Ambulance services and the current contract coming through the county commissioners who contract for the current transporting needs that continue to grow with the increased population growth. Last year there were 1,338 EMS calls and the projection for the current year will most likely be 1,500 EMS calls.
New Business: The Fire and EMS reporting program, Firehouse, has come to the end of its useful life. Changes to current requirements of reporting to the State coupled with the increased call volume has made it necessary to purchase current computer programs that are compatible with the need. Image Trend is the proposed software that will reduce current duplication of information and will more fully meet the needs for State reporting. Dallin moved that we purchase the Image Trend software which is $7,112.50 for the first year and $5,987.50 annually after that which will eliminate the duplication of effort currently being required and will replace the Firehouse software which is no longer being supported. Roger 2nd and the council was all in favor.
Input devices needed to aid in the capture of information are tablets that can be in each of the EMS trucks and major personnel involved with the data input. Jim motioned to purchase 7 tablets with protective cases and the internet connections needed to assist the Image Trend software at $2,852.86 cost. Mike 2nd and the council was all in favor.
County has fuel that they can sell to the Fire District for 10 cents per gallon above their cost. Roger motioned to purchase fuel when convenient from the county. Gordon 2nd and all commissioners were in favor.
RIT packs are backup supplies and air which can be grabbed and used to help a downed fire fighter. They can be purchased for $2,389.40. Air bottles used for training can be banged up and damaged. Sleeves that can protect the air bottles can be purchased for $112 each. Dallin motioned to purchase one RIT pack and 25 sleeves to protect bottles. Jim 2nd and all commissioners approved.
Fire Chief Report: for the month of April Station 1 had 77 EMS and 20 Fire calls. Station 2 had 20 EMS and 11 Fire calls. Station 3 had 12 EMS and 8 Fire calls. Station 4 had 9 EMS and 8 Fire calls. A three-phase air conditioner was installed in the upstairs living quarters. There is no three-phase power in Station 1. There needs to be a change made there.
Mike reported talking to a parent who had recently moved from Tacoma where he worked in a large police force. He had moved here to be in a place where his kids would be more safe and secure. He was blown away and impressed with the well- trained personnel involved. He had never in his service in Tacoma seen an incident handled so well. Carl reported we had 26 fire and EMS people involved and they all acted very well. Thanks to them.
Battalion Chief’s: Jim Kelly commented that they have been very busy. He is proud to be working with a group of guys that act and get things done.
Assistant Chief: PAC tests for wildland fire fighting requires personnel that can cover 3 miles in 45 minutes carrying a 45 pound pack. Personnel are working on these tests.
Carl stated that our medical director, Dr. Harper, has been very responsive and helpful when needed. There will be a run review for the shooting incident and another serious incident on June 9th . Dr Lemmon, head of Trauma Services for EIRMC will be here and has expressed how good the help has been on trauma cases that have been transported to EIRMC for additional medical help.
Dallin motion to adjourn at 8:55 PM. Roger 2nd and all commissioners were in favor.