July 14, 2022 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting

Opening Prayer: Roger called the meeting to order at 8:00.  The opening prayer was offered by Jim Kelly.  Those present were Commissioners Mike Miller, Gordon Ball, Dallin Gambles. Jim Deuel and Roger Anderson. Fire Chiefs Carl Anderson, Jared Giannini; and BC’s, Garth Foster, Corey Albertson, Mitch Bingham, and Jim Kelly. There were no patrons present.

Approval of Agenda– ACTION ITEM: Jim moved to approve the agenda. Gordon seconded. The vote by Mike, Gordon, Dallin, Jim, and Roger was unanimous in the affirmative. 

Approval of Minutes – ACTION ITEM: The minutes were reviewed by the commissioners previously.  Dallin moved to accept the minutes as written. Jim seconded. The vote by Mike, Gordon, Dallin, Jim, and Roger was unanimous in the affirmative. 

Budget Review:  Nile was excused.  Jim stated that he had spoken with Nile and that we are where we are supposed to be. 

Approval of Expenditures – ACTION ITEM: Jim and Dallin reviewed the expenditures and didn’t see anything out of order. Roger moved to approve the expenditures in the amount of $12,517.74 and payroll the amount of $65,223.99. Dallin seconded.  The vote by Mike, Gordon, Dallin, Jim, and Roger was unanimous.


  1. Carl reported that the bid came back for the new ambulance for $236,540 and the medical equipment we will need for it is $108,764.54, totaling $345,304.54.  Radios and graphics will still need to be bought for it when the build is complete.  The county commissioners have approved $350,000 to purchase an ambulance out of the federal ARPA money.  Carl visited with the county commissioners, and they are good to proceed.  There will a MOU drafted for the ambulance shortly.  Jim moved to allow Carl to proceed with signing the contract for the ambulance and fly to Seattle to confirm the blueprints and Mike seconded. The vote by Mike, Gordon, Dallin, Jim, and Roger was unanimous in the affirmative. 


  1. Carl reported that Madison Fire Department received two of their four new ambulances.  They have two newer Chevy Ambulances that they are willing to sale for a great cost.  If they went to auction Madison thought, they could get at $10,000 each.  Mike moved that we try to get both ambulances from Madison not exceeding $20,000.  Dallin Seconded. The vote by Mike, Gordon, Dallin, Jim, and Roger was unanimous.
  2. Carl reported that he had been in discussion with Idaho Falls Fire Department and Madison Fire Department about billing agencies.  Chief Nelson from Idaho Falls Fire Department stated that we should follow up with Madison Fire Department on their billing agency.  Madison County uses Systems Design West.  Carl had been in contact with them and had a quote for their services.  There is no setup fee to get the services started.  Systems Design West takes a flat fee of $23-$25 per run.  Dallin moved to allow Carl to set up an account with Systems Design West.  Jim seconded. The vote by Mike, Gordon, Dallin, Jim, and Roger was unanimous.

FIRE CHIEF REPORT:  Carl reported that we are starting to get busy.  The first of the month was a little slower but things are starting to pick up. 

ASSISTANT CHIEF REPORT: Nic was excused from the meeting and Jared had nothing to report. 

Dallin moved to adjourn, and Mike seconded. The vote by Mike, Gordon, and Dallin, Jim, and Roger was unanimous in the affirmative.

Roger-EMS & Training/Gordon-Equipment /Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR