July 9, 2020 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting

Opening Prayer:  Mike called the meeting to order at 8:05.  Melanie offered the opening prayer.  Those present were Commissioners Jim Deuel, Mike Miller, Dallin Gambles, and Roger Anderson; Fire Chief Carl Anderson; and Battalion Chiefs Jim Kelly, Blaine Ker, and Mitch Bingham, with Brian Owens representing station 3. Melanie Sullivan recorded the minutes.  Nile Hall, Jared Giannini, and Mike Johnson were also present. Gordon Ball was unable to attend.

Approval of Agenda-ACTION ITEM: Roger moved to accept the agenda as presented.  Dallin seconded.   The vote by Jim, Mike, Dallin, and Roger was unanimous. 

Approval of Minutes-ACTION ITEM: The minutes were emailed to and reviewed by the commissioners previously.  Jim moved to accept the minutes.  Roger seconded.   The vote by Jim, Mike, Dallin, and Roger was unanimous. 

Budget Review:  We are still well under where we would expect to at this time of year, but we are expecting large bills for equipment purchases before the end of the fiscal year.

Approval of Expenditures-ACTION ITEM: Jim reviewed the expenditures and did not see anything unusual.  He moved to accept the expenditures in the amount of $29,035.22.  Dallin seconded.  The vote by Jim, Mike, Dallin, and Roger was unanimous.  Jim gave the leadership a verbal pat on the back for keeping things under budget.   


  1.  Ririe’s new EMS truck- DISCUSSION ITEM:  COVID has delayed the delivery of this truck, but it will be here really soon. 
  2. New Ririe Engine-DISCUSSION ITEM:  Dennis Wilkinson, CFD attorney, and Hughes Fire Equipment have been working together to make sure the law is satisfied.  Dennis feels good that we can go to Hughes and just get a price without going to bid but we do not have to purchase.  Carl should will have the price of the new truck by next month and will probably need to put 50% down.  It could take 13 months to get the truck in. 
  3. Remodeling/living quarters district building-DISCUSSION ITEM:  Carl reported that Graham is still working on it. 


  1.  Summer Party-DISCUSSION ITEM:  Carl said that the summer party that is usually combined with the Sheriff’s office is being cancelled this year due to COVID concerns.

FIRE CHIEF REPORT: Carl checked into why the Ririe Century Link bill has been a little higher than the other stations, and it was from a non-listed number service charge.  Carl had that service removed so Ririe will have the same charge as the other stations. 

Carl says that, according to the information he has received,  the volunteers have not been exposed to COVID through answering calls.

Jared applied for and received a donation of 98 cases of water from Budweiser. 

They are still looking into the CARES Act money.  This is county fire money so Jared talked to the other districts in the county about what they need. 

-Battalion Chief input: Jim Kelly asked if 163 is up for replacement this year.  Carl said he will have to look at his list of items to be replaced this year and get the ball rolling if it is.  Jim also asked if the BCs could submit suggestions of items that they see their stations need for inclusion in next year’s budget.  Nile said that he could add things to the budget if they will get Carl the list of suggestions within two weeks.    


COMMISSIONER REPORTS: Roger said that they will be doing a run review on the dog bite call. 

Jim moved to close the meeting at 8:25.   Dallin seconded.   The vote by Jim, Mike, Dallin, and Roger was unanimous. 

            Roger-EMS & Training/Gordon-Equipment/Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR