December 12, 2019 Minutes
Fire District Commissioner Meeting
Mike called the meeting to order at 6:30
Opening Prayer was offered by Dallin Gambles.
Approval of Agenda– ACTION ITEM: Jim moved to approve the agenda as written. Gordon seconded. The vote by Mike, Jim, Dallin, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous.
Approval of Minutes – ACTION ITEM: The commissioners reviewed the minutes via email. Roger moved to accept the minutes. Jim seconded. The vote by Mike, Jim, Dallin, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous.
Budget Review: Melanie reviewed the budget. We are under where we would expect to be in the overall budget two months into the budget year.
Approval of Expenditures – ACTION ITEM Mike reviewed the expenditures and moved to accept them the amount of $28,506.03. Gordon seconded. The vote by Mike, Jim, Dallin, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous.
- Purchasing of monitors and radios – DISCUSSION ITEM: Carl ordered the radios and monitors. The monitors came in and will be out in the stations soon. Radios will be in at the end of the month.
- Truck repairs – DISCUSSION ITEM: Carl said that Hughes opened up a shop in Caldwell that he sent a truck to. There will be little larger expenditure on maintenance this year as he tries to rotate three or four trucks through to get them in top operating condition.
- Boy Scout meeting rooms/Nile Hall – DISCUSSION ITEM: Nile said that due to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints dropping scouting as it’s activity arm, the scouts are looking for meeting places for troops. Nile is asking if conference rooms in the Fire houses could be used for scout meetings when the rooms are not being used for training, etc. The BC’s don’t have a problem with it. The commissioners agreed that it would be okay as long as the rules were followed, the buildings are cleaned up after activities, and the scouts coordinate with station leadership. Jim suggested that Carl draw up a list of rules that scout leaders would sign. It was agreed that the codes to the doors would not be given out.
- Election of new commission chairman for 2020 – ACTION ITEM: Mike moved that Gordon be the chairman for 2020. Dallin seconded. The vote by Mike, Jim, Dallin, and Roger voted in the affirmative. Gordon opposed. The motion carried and Gordon will be the chairman next year.
FIRE CHIEF REPORT: Carl reported that they had 107 EMS and 18 fires between the 4 stations. They are having a good time and moving ahead.
– Battalion Chief input: There was no Battalion Chief input.
ASSISTANT CHIEF REPORT: Nic said they are still plugging away on the new truck for Ririe. It is being painted and the box should be here in the middle of January.
COMMISSIONER REPORTS: Jim asked Carl if the meeting with the county commissioners is still on for Monday, which is it. This will start the discussion about whether an ambulance is recommended in the county by reviewing the study done by a statistics class at BYUI.
Dallin moved to close the meeting at 7pm. Gordon seconded. The vote by Mike, Jim, Dallin, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous.
Roger-EMS & Training/Gordon-Equipment /Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR