January 8, 2015 Minutes
Fire District Commissioner Meeting
The Commissioner meeting of Central Fire District began at 8:00 p.m. Gordon called the meeting to order. Blaine Ker gave the opening prayer. Those commissioners in attendance were Gordon, Lavell, Dallin, and Mike. Chief Grover and Asst. Chief Carl Anderson were in attendance. B.C.’s represented by Paul Bradley, Blaine Kerr, Caleb Anderson, and Mitch Bingham.
AGENDA APPROVAL: There was no change in the agenda.
SWEARING IN COMMISSIONER REPLACEMENT FOR LAVELL PURSER: Debby swore in James R Deuel as the new commissioner to replace Lavell Purser in Zone 2.
AUDIT REPORT: Robert Renna paid high accolades to the financial stability of the fire district and complimented on how well the district was being run.
MINUTES: Minutes for November and December were read and approved. Moved by Dallin seconded by Mike.
BUDGET REVIEW: Nile reviewed the budget saying that things after the first quarter seem to be in line with budgets currently in place.
EXPENDITURES: Expenditures were approved for December. Dallin moved to accept them for payment. Mike seconded. The vote was unanimous.
- 164 Chassis: Chassis has been made just need the rest of the truck parts that go with it.
- Turnouts: Moved by Gordon to purchase additional 20 sets of turnouts before the price goes up. Seconded by Dallin with unanimous vote.
- Generators for Stations update: No progress has been made.
- AED Training progress: AED kits have been installed, trained and IF is good about giving new replacement stuff every time something is used.
- Active 911 App: Works very well and was explained how works to new Jim.
- Grant Application Progress: Too early in the process to give progress report.
- Inventory System: Chief Grover requested inventory system and was assigned to check out the available systems used in other fire districts.
FIRE CHIEF REPORT: Nothing new to add.
FIRE CHIEF REPORT: Things are going well.
December 2014 Stats Jan-Dec 2014 Stats
STAT #1: Fire 6 EMS 43 Total for year Fire 69 EMS 631
STAT #2: Fire 2 EMS 17 Total for Year Fire 33 EMS 157
STAT #3: Fire 2 EMS 6 Total for Year Fire 28 EMS 69
STAT #4: Fire 0 EMS 5 Total for year Fire 30 EMS 62
Meeting adjourned to executive session at 8:57 pm to discuss personnel.