December 12, 2024 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting

Opening Prayer: Mike called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.  The opening prayer was offered by Jim Deuel.  Present were Commissioners Mike Miller, Jim Deuel, and Roger Anderson. Gordon Ball, and Dallin Gambles were excused. Fire Chiefs Nic White, Jared Giannini and Joe Schimanski. BC’s Garth Foster, Mitch Bingham, Corey Albertson, and Jim Kelly. Attorney Dennis Wilkinson. Nile Hall took minutes. Wives of some of the above were in attendance because of the winter activity that will proceed at 7:00 PM.

Jim moved to accept the agenda, Roger seconded the motion, and voting was unanimously approved by Jim, Roger, and Mike.

Approval of Minutes: Roger made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 14th Meeting.  Jim seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Mike, and Roger in the affirmative.  

Budget Review: Nile reported that to date, spending is within the budget. 

Approval Of Expenditures: Roger moved to accept the expenditures of $36,254.57 and $120,344.59 for payroll for a total of $156,599.16. Jim seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Mike, and Roger in the affirmative.

Old Business:

No Old Business.

New Business:

  1. Nic requested approval to replace five sets of nozzles on hoses for $18,875. Jim moved to go ahead with the purchase of the 5 sets of nozzles.  Roger seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Mike, and Roger in the affirmative. 
  2. Nic noted that one of the space heaters in the office is not working properly. To repair it would cost $2300. A new one will cost $5850. Roger moved to purchase a new one. Jim seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Mike, and Roger in the affirmative. 
  3. A new office manager salary pay range was requested. Jim moved to let the chiefs’ office look over applicants with a pay range from $45,000 to 65,000 plus stipend and according to experience and qualifications. Roger seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Mike, and Roger in the affirmative. 

Fire Chief Report: Nic requested that a meeting be set up with his staff and one of the commissioners to discuss how to negotiate the costs of replacement and rebuild of the Ririe station. It was determined that a meeting will be set up in January to work on how to proceed.

BC Report: None was given.

Assistant Chief Report: We are going to have a hearing in January to discuss the rates for services on the ambulance. It will be at 6:30 PM prior to our regular commissioner meeting which will start at 7:00 PM from now on. 

Deputy Chief Report: We have been busy and will welcome a new office manager to answer the phones.

Commissioner Report: Roger reported that meetings have been held with all the cities around to make resolutions that will allow their patrons to vote on developing an Ambulance district. He also asked if we have received the money from the county for this year’s ambulance support and Nile reported that we have received the $300,000 that they committed to.

Jim moved to close the meeting. Roger seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Mike, and Roger in the affirmative. 

The meeting adjourned at 7:00PM.