November 10, 2022 Minutes
Fire District Commissioner Meeting
Opening Prayer: Roger called the meeting to order at 8:00. The opening prayer was offered by Mike Miller. Those present were Commissioners Gordon Ball, Jim Deuel, Mike Miller, Gordon Ball and Roger Anderson. Fire Chiefs Carl Anderson, Nic White, and Jared Giannini; and BC’s, Mitch Bingham, Garth Foster, Corey Albertson and Jim Kelly. Nile Hall was present to take minutes. There was one patron present who remained silent.
Agenda: Roger read the Agenda for the meeting.
Approval of Minutes – ACTION ITEM: The October 2022 minutes were reviewed by the commissioners previously. Dallin moved to accept the minutes as written. Mike seconded. The vote by Roger, Gordon, Jim, Mike and Dallin was unanimous in the affirmative.
Budget Review: Nile reported that for the first month of the fiscal year we are below the budget at this point in time.
Approval of Expenditures—Action Item. Dallin moved to accept the expenditures in the amount of $19,351.29 and payroll the amount of $82,118.17. Gordon seconded The vote by Roger, Gordon, Jim, Mike and Dallin was unanimous in the affirmative.
- Bank Accounts: Nile reported that Systems Design, the firm that will collect any Ambulance fees, is in need of an account that is in a bank they have in their town. Approval was authorized to get an EIN for Central Fire Ambulance Services and to open an account in Zion’s Bank and one in Wells Fargo with the ability to transfer funds back and forth. Fire Commissioners, Roger, Jim, Dallin, Mike and Nile will be allowed to sign on the account.
- MOU with Chaplains of Idaho: Discussion was to sign a contract with the Chaplains of Idaho for services that they can provide to traumatic incidents with either Fire and EMS personnel or patrons. There will be no cost for this contract. Jim moved to sign the contract with the Chaplains of Idaho. Mike seconded. The vote by Roger, Gordon, Jim, Mike and Dallin was unanimous in the affirmative.
- Christmas Bonus: Mike moved to pay the same $50 bonus as was given last year. Gordon seconded. The vote by Roger, Gordon, Jim, Mike and Dallin was unanimous in the affirmative.
- December meeting to be held at the Rigby Middle School at 6:30 pm just prior to the Winter Social. Jim so moved and Dallin seconded. The vote by Roger, Gordon, Jim, Mike and Dallin was unanimous in the affirmative.
- Replacement schedule: Discussion was held determining that as trucks age it will be determined the right thing to do regarding replacement. Different vehicles will be judged according to viability of continued service.
FIRE CHIEF REPORT: Carl reported that we have been busy. There were 112 EMS calls, 13 Fire calls, 1 Madison Assist to an 8 apartment fire. BC’s had nothing to offer at this point in time.
ASSISTANT CHIEF REPORT: Nic reported about a survey of the employees as to who would be interested in 24/7 Ambulance service. Information of that survey is being tabulated for reference at the appropriate time.
COMMISSIONER REPORTS: Commissioners had nothing further.
Jim moved to adjourn, and Gordon seconded. The vote by Roger, Gordon, Jim, Mike and Dallin was unanimous in the affirmative. Meeting adjourned at 8:43 PM.
Roger-EMS & Training/Gordon-Equipment /Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR