November 14, 2024 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting

Opening Prayer: Mike called the meeting to order at 8:00 PM.  The opening prayer was offered by Garth Foster.  Present were Commissioners Mike Miller, Jim Deuel, Dallin Gambles, and Roger Anderson. Gordon Ball was excused. Fire Chiefs Nic White, Jared Giannini and Joe Schimanski. BC’s Garth Foster, Mitch Bingham, Corey Albertson, and Jim Kelly. Attorney Dennis Wilkinson. Nile Hall took minutes. Hunter Jensen, Alexess Jensen, David R Jensen, Keersten Jense, Jade Jensen, Cody Thornton, Whitney Thornton, Hannah Simmons, and Ember Edwards were patrons present.

Jim moved to accept the agenda, Roger seconded the motion and voting was unanimously approved by Jim, Roger, Mike and Dallin.

Dallin made a motion to amend the agenda making line item 1 of new business and action item. Jim seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Dallin, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative.

Approval of Minutes: Dallin made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 10th Meeting.  Jim seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Dallin, Mike, and Roger in the affirmative.  

Budget Review: Nile reported that for the first two months the budget is right on schedule. 

Approval Of Expenditures: Roger moved to accept the expenditures of $46,698.45 and $124,827.91 for payroll for a total of $171,526.36. Dallin seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Mike, Roger, and Dallin in the affirmative.

Old Business:

  1. Nic reported that the new Ririe Tender will be picked up Nov 21. this month. he had spoken with Graham, our engineer for the Station 2 (Ririe) project. The construction engineer was supposed to show up and that week and assess the building site.  No new news on construction costs yet.

New Business:

  1. Cody Thornton and Hunter Jensen were sworn in by chairman Mike Miller. Cody was pinned by his son and daughter and Hunter was pinned by his wife.
  2. Graham, our engineer for the Station 2 (Ririe) project presented some papers and pictures of what the new construction engineer was proposing. It was noted that much of the existing foundation will need to be removed as it will not meet with the proper building code currently in existence for steel framed buildings. The engineers are still putting together estimates of the costs which may be incurred. Graham will let Nic know as soon as the estimates are given so the Insurance company can be informed.  
  3. Jim moved that the Christmas Bonus of $50.00 per employee be given at the December winter activity.  Dallin seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Dallin, Mike, and Roger in the affirmative.  

Fire Chief Report: Nic reported that there were 146 EMS calls and 19 fire calls during the month of October. He commented on the major fire at Heisi Hot Springs and felt that all employees did a great job. 

BC Report: Mitch Bingham reported that 300 kids came to the Menan station on Halloween night. All we given a tour and positive feelings and appreciation for the firemen and fire station were expressed.

Assistant Chief Report: We have been busy. We have had several medicals and some big Fires. We had 59 transports for the month of October. 

Deputy Chief Report: Meeting with Jefferson County on Fire Prevention and codes. Working on the new ordinance for those items.

Commissioner Report: Roger reported that meetings have been held with the adjoining fire stations discussing the ins and outs of Ambulance services that could be available. He also has met with the county clerk regarding the payments of monies that were promised to support Central for the Ambulance service being provided. 

Dallin moved to adjourn the meeting and go into Executive session as per Idaho Code 74-206(1)(a) Personnel Issues at 8:25PM. Roger seconded the motion followed by unanimous approval.

At 8:59 PM after closing the Executive Session, Dallin moved to close the meeting. Roger seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Dallin, Mike, and Roger in the affirmative. 

The meeting adjourned at 9:00PM.