October 10, 2024 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting

Opening Prayer: Mike called the meeting to order at 2000.  The opening prayer was offered by Matt Brockbank.  Present were Commissioners Mike Miller, Gordon Ball, Jim Deuel, Dalling Gambles. Fire Chiefs Nic White, Jared Giannini and Joe Schimanski. BC’s Mitch Bingham, Corey Albertson, and Jim Kelly. Attorney Dennis Wilkinson. Jared Giannini took minutes.  Matt Brockbank was the patron present.

Dallin made a motion to amend the agenda making line item 1 of new business and action item. Jim seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Dallin, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative.

Approval of Minutes: Jim made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 12th Meeting.  Gordon seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Dallin, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative.  

Budget Review: Nile was excused. Jim Reported that we were doing great.  

Approval Of Expenditures: Mike moved to accept the expenditures of $188,950.34 and $104,271.63 for payroll for a total of $293,221.97. Jim seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Mike, Gordon, and Dallin in the affirmative.

Old Business:

  1. Nic reported that he had spoken with Graham, our engineer for the Station 2 (Ririe) project. The construction engineer was supposed to show up and that week and assess the building site.  No new news on construction costs yet.

New Business:

  1. SOP B-130 Compensation- Dallin made a motion to approve the new bonus structure for the volunteer Firefighters and EMTs.  Gordon seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Dallin, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative.
  2. Pay Increase- Dallin made a motion to approve the 4% cost of living raise for the fulltime staff. Gordon seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Dallin, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative.  

Fire Chief Report: Nic reported that the two new command vehicles arrived. He asked to keep the oldest Chevy in the fleet for a spare vehicle for District command and the tech team.  Shelley is possibly interested in purchasing the new Chevy.  The Ririe Tender should be done November 1st.  We completed our hiring process and Cody Thornton was chosen for Captain. Hunter Jensen was chosen for the full time Firefighter/EMT position. The County has adopted a new burn ordinance for Jefferson County. The ordinance comes with a burn permit.

BC Report: No input.

Assistant Chief Report: We have been busy. We have had several medicals and some big Fires. We had 50 transports for the month of September. 

Deputy Chief Report: Meeting with Jefferson County on Fire Prevention and codes. Looking at a new ordinance for those items.

Commissioner Report: Nothing to report. 

Dallin moved to close the meeting. Gordon seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Dallin, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative. 

The meeting adjourned at 2032