June 13, 2024 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting

Opening Prayer: Mike called the meeting to order at 8:00 PM. The opening prayer was offered by Dallin Gambles. Present were Commissioners Mike Miller, Gordon Ball, and Roger Anderson. Jim Deuel, Dallin Gambles. Fire Chiefs Nic White, Jared Giannini, BC’s, Mitch Bingham, Jim Kelly, Garth Foster and attorney Dennis Wilkinson. Nile Hall took minutes. Matt Brockbank was the patron present.  Peter Shun of Sedgwick Building Consultants and Graham Whipple, architect, were also present.

Dallin moved to exchange the New Business #3 item be moved to the end of the meeting to follow the executive session which will be held after Staff reports. Roger seconded the motion and voting was unanimous by Jim, Dallin, Roger, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative.

Jim moved to approve the minutes of May 9. Roger seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Dallin, Roger, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative.

Budget Review: As of the present time we have used 84% of the allotted budget. Everything looks good. 

Approval of Expenditures: Jim moved to accept the expenditures of $80,332.16 and $93,028.96 for payroll for a total of $173,361.12. Gordon seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Dallin, Roger, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative.

Old Business:

  1. Discussion was held regarding the hiring of Graham Whipple to help staff prepare proposals on the replacement of the Ririe secondary building to bring to the council for additional review. It was confirmed that in April 2024 meeting it was moved and approved that Gram Whipple be hired to help when the time comes to make proposals for the building replacement. The time has come to proceed.
  2. Ririe water tender bids- Two bids for water tender were received. One from United, $238,568.00 and one from Grover’s $264,021.00. Dallin moved to accept the United bid. Gordon seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Dallin, Roger, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative.
  3. Fencing around the stations was discussed. Nic was given assignment to check with neighbors for cost sharing for fences around of our buildings.


  1. Jim moved to have staff work with Graham to provide proposals, one that would replace the building we had and others that may including making the building larger, perhaps living quarters attached or other possible scenarios. Dallin seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Dallin, Roger, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative.
  2. Dallin moved to have Scott Norman with Boomer Construction replace the wildland bed on 184 at the cost of $59,636. Roger seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Dallin, Roger, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative.


Nic said that we sold the Snorkel truck for $4650. Also a group of our personnel helped in the cleanup of many downed trees and debris caused by the strong microburst on Friday June 7. Patrons were very appreciative of the help.

Battalion Chief input: No comments.


 53 transports for the month of May.  We are starting to see a bigger return in transport costs being reimbursed.  

Commissioners Report: No comments.

Roger moved to close the regular meeting and go into executive session-personnel issues, as per Idaho Code 74-206(1)(a), Dallin seconded voting was unanimous by Jim, Dallin, Roger, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative.

Executive Session was held.

Regular meeting was reopened. Roger made a motion to allow staff to search for a third member of the staff by developing an SOP for such position and requesting applications for those meeting the SOP requirements. Dallin seconded, voting was unanimous by Jim, Dallin, Roger, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative.

Jim moved to close the commissioners meeting. Roger seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Dallin, Roger, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:45 PM.