May 9, 2024 Minutes
Fire District Commissioner Meeting
Opening Prayer: Mike called the meeting to order at 8:00 PM. The opening prayer was offered by Nile Hall. Present were Commissioners Mike Miller, Gordon Ball, and Roger Anderson. Jim Deuel, Dallin Gambles. Fire Chiefs Nic White, Jared Giannini, BC’s, Mitch Bingham, Jim Kelly, Corey Albertsons. Nile Hall took minutes. Patrons present were Matt Brockbank and Carl Anderson.
Roger moved to approve the minutes. Gordon seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Dallin, Roger, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative.
Budget Review: As of the present time we have used 83.5% of the allotted budget. Everything looks good.
Approval of Expenditures: Dallin moved to accept the expenditures of $69,146.33 and $103,533.99 for payroll for a total of $172,680.32. Gordon seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Dallin, Roger, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative.
Old Business:
There was no old business to discuss.
- Nic has put out feelers for the replacement of the tender which was destroyed by the Ririe Fire. Jim moved to request for bids for the replacement of a tender similar to 142. Roger seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Dallin, Roger, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative
- Nic proposed the purchase of 8 new Tait radios for the sum of $21,875 which would replace old style and non-working radios. Dallin moved to go forward with the purchase of 8 new Tait radios as proposed. Jim seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Dallin, Roger, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative
- Regarding the replacement of fencing back of the Menan station and fencing on the west side of station 1 it was decided that bids for the fencing should be obtained and brought back to the next meeting for approval.
FIRE CHIEF REPORT: Nic had nothing further to report.
Battalion Chief input: No comments.
48 transports for the month of May. We are starting to see a bigger return in transport costs being reimbursed.
Commissioners Report: No comments.
Dalin made a motion to close the Commissioner Meeting. Jim seconded, and voting was unanimous by Jim, Dallin, Roger, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM.
Roger-EMS Training/Gordon-Equipment /Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR