April 11, 2024 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting

Opening Prayer: Mike called the meeting to order at 8:00 PM. The opening prayer was offered by Nic White. Present were Commissioners Mike Miller, Gordon Ball, and Roger Anderson. Jim Deuel, Dallin Gambles and Nile Hall were excused for prior obligations. Fire Chiefs Carl Anderson, Nic White, Jared Giannini, BC’s, Mitch Bingham, Jim Kelly, Corey Albertsons. Jared Giannini took minutes. Dennis Wilkinson was also present. J, Patrons present were Charlie Edwards, Ember Mendoza, and Travis Crystal. 

Roger moved to approve the minutes. Gordon seconded and voting was unanimous by Roger, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative.

Budget Review: Nile was absent.  Everything looks good. 

Approval of Expenditures: Gordon moved to accept the expenditures of $26,096.62 and $103,174.53 for payroll for a total of $129,271.15. Roger seconded and voting was unanimous by Roger, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative.

Old Business:

Ririe Tender Bay: Carl and Nic went out and spoke with Jason from the City of Ririe. There is a major water and sewer line running through the parking lot of Station 2 (Ririe) along with gas and power.  It does not look feasible to add-on to the current structure.  Mike asked if there would be any more money coming from insurance.  The Chief explained that there will probably be more coming.  No decisions were made to proceed until all commissioners were present.  Tabled until May.  


  1. Ambulance Donation: Jared explained that they now have 4 ambulances and only 2 are being used.  CTEC asked if we would donate an ambulance to them for their EMT class.  Roger made a motion to donate our oldest ambulance to CTEC and Gordon seconded, and voting was unanimous by Roger, Mike, and Gordon.
  2. Swearing in of new full-time employee Ember Mendoza.  Mike swore Ember in.  
  3. Lewisville Bay Door Replacement: Nic stated that the doors at Station 3 are in rough shape and need to be replaced.  We recently had to replace one of the garage door openers. Nic got a bid to replace all 3 garage doors for $11,795. Gordon made a motion to replace the garage doors.  Roger seconded and voting was unanimous by Roger, Mike, and Mike in the affirmative.   
  4. New Chief/Assistant Chief Assignment: Roger made the motion to move Nic White to the Chief position, replacing Retiring Carl Anderson, and Jared Giannini would move up to the Assistant Chief position replacing Nic White starting May 1st. Gordon Seconded and voting was unanimous by Roger, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative.
  5. Executive Session: Roger made a motion to go into Executive Session. Gordon seconded and voting was unanimous by Roger, Mike, Gordon in the affirmative. 

FIRE CHIEF REPORT: Not much to report.  He is slowly cleaning up his computer and slowly transitioning into retirement life.   

Battalion Chief input: No comments.

ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF: Got our jump kits from the grant.  Working on getting them assigned to QRU members to allow personnel that live farther from the station to meet the ambulance on scene.  Our heavy brush truck is put back together and should be ready to pick up in the next few days.  

ASSISTANT EMS CHIEF: 48 transports for the month of March.  We are starting to see a bigger return in transport costs being reimbursed.  

Commissioners Report: We appreciate the work of all our personnel. Keep up the good work.

Roger made a motion to move to the Executive Session.  Gordon seconded and voting was unanimous by Roger, Mike, and Gordan in the affirmative.  

After Executive Session, Commissioner Meeting was adjourned. 

Roger-EMS Training/Gordon-Equipment /Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR