March 2024 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting

Opening Prayer: Mike called the meeting to order at 8:00 PM. The opening prayer was offered by Nile Hall. Present were Commissioners Mike Miller, Gordon Ball, Roger Anderson, Jim Deuel, and Dallin Gambles. Fire Chiefs Carl Anderson, Nic White, Jared Giannini, BC’s, Mitch Bingham, Jim Kelly, Cody Albertson, and Garth Foster. Nile Hall took minutes. Brendell Larsen was the patron present.

Jim moved to approve the minutes of February 2024. Gordon seconded and voting was unanimous by Dallin, Roger, Mike, Jim, and Gordon in the affirmative.

Budget Review: Nile reported that the budget is within the limits and as of February 29, 2024, our financial position is doing well. 

Approval of Expenditures: Mike moved to accept the expenditures of $244,352.67 for the ambulance, $265,006.00 as first of three payments for a new fire tender, $54,726.85 for regular expenses and $93,695.55 for February payroll for a total of $659,781.07. Dallin seconded and voting was unanimous by Dallin, Roger, Mike, Jim and Gordon in the affirmative.

Old Business:

  1. Insurance update- We have received a check from ICRMP for $547,626.14, which includes $194,656.14 for the building, $5,000.00 for building contents, $347,950.00 for truck. These numbers are the preliminary amounts and future negotiations may allow us more money in the future. We have 2 years to complete the process of the Ririe Fire Station claim.
  2. Ririe tender bay rebuild was discussed. Carl accepted the task of putting together proposals with ideas of different ways to rebuild in different methods. He will bring back to next month, findings to further discuss the best plan of action taking in consideration for the underground city services that are challenges to overcome. Carl and Mike were approached by Ted Hendricks that is consulting with the Firth Fire Department that claims he can get Federal appropriated money that could rebuild our building, but we would have to sign a contract to pay him $18,500 and provide a 25% match as well as his fee. Mike moved to not accept his proposal Roger seconded and voting was unanimous by Dallin, Roger, Mike, Jim, and Gordon in the affirmative.
  3. Hiring an architect—Graham Whipple approached Carl with an offer to help with designing our needs for the project of rebuilding. Jim moved that we hire Quinn Whipple in the future when it comes time to put things together for the project. Gordon seconded the motion and voting was unanimous by Dallin, Roger, Mike, Jim, and Gordon in the affirmative.
  4. Water tender replacement could be had if we can find a used tender that could be fully paid for because it is a replacement and not a new tender. Carl and Nic will actively search for such a truck.
  5. Direct deposit- Nile suggested that we push Direct Deposit for paychecks. Paperwork will be inserted in next month’s paychecks to request individuals to authorize their paychecks to be direct deposited.


  1. Healthcare Coalition has provided us with a grant of $14,000 that can be used to purchase Jump Bags. Roger moved to go ahead and spend the grant money on jump bags and other qualifying purchases. Jim seconded and voting was unanimous by Dallin, Roger, Mike, Jim, and Gordon in the affirmative.
  2. New Hire proposal- Carl and Jared discussed how the ambulance coverage has some holes in it during the day from Tuesday through Friday which can be covered by a fulltime employee which would take place of one of the $120 per day ambulance helpers. Shifting some of the employees around and providing additional help in the office for the paperwork now needed can also be helped with the additional employee. Roger moved to go ahead with the hiring of the additional employee if we do everything possible to make that person being paid for by the county by being allocated to the ambulance entirely. Dallin seconded the voting was unanimous by Dallin, Roger, Mike, Jim, and Gordon in the affirmative.

FIRE CHIEF REPORT: During February 2024 there were 127 EMS calls, and 9 Fire calls. Most of the EMS’S calls are answered by ambulance. 

Battalion Chief input: No comments.

ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF: Wildland truck is being repaired. 161 is also having repairs for needed maintenance. We have had to replace some door locks on the buildings. 

ASSISTANT EMS CHIEF: 46 transports by ambulance with $35,082.30 billed. 

  1. Executive session—Jim moved to go into executive session as per Idaho Code 74-206(1)(a) Personnel issues. Gordon seconded and executive session started at 9:17 PM 

Roger-EMS Training/Gordon-Equipment /Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR