February 8, 2024 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting

Opening Prayer: Mike called the meeting to order at 8:00 PM. The opening prayer was offered by Gordon Ball. Present were Commissioners Mike Miller, Gordon Ball, Roger Anderson, and Dallin Gambles. Jim Deuel was excused due to illness. Fire Chiefs Carl Anderson, Nic White, Jared Giannini, BC’s, Mitch Bingham, Jim Kelly, Brian Owens,. Nile Hall took minutes. Dennis Wilkinson was also present. Jason Miller and son, Spencer, were the only patrons present. Also present were Brody Shaffer and Sam Corey.

Roger moved to approve the minutes of January 2024. Dallin seconded and voting was unanimous by Dallin, Roger, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative.

Budget Review: Nile reported that the budget is within the limits and as of January 31, 2024, our financial position is doing well. We have received our big checks for property taxes.

Approval of Expenditures: Roger moved to accept the expenditures of $16,467.99 and $101,326.46 for payroll for a total of $117,794.45. Dallin seconded and voting was unanimous by Dallin, Roger, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative.

Old Business:

  1. Insurance update- Peter Shun was called and via telephone, gave an update on the progress of proper financial estimations for the losses in the Ririe Fire last month. He will be meeting with Carl on Saturday next to provide initial findings and estimates as to the amounts of money we can expect for the losses. It has been determined the cause of the station fire to be an accidental gas leak with an explosion from a failed gas supply line.
  2. New Ambulance- Carl and Jared will be going to Chehalis, WA on February 19 to examine and bring home a new ambulance. 
  3. New Engine 141- Carl has received the contract and accepted the offer to purchase a new engine. The cost of $865,034.00 will be spread out each year starting March 1, 2024, for three years at $265,006.00 each year. Approval for this purchase was given at the January 2024 meeting.


  1. BLM Truck motor problems. Discussion was had regarding the overhaul of the motor in the BLM Truck. An estimate of $25,000 was given as the cost to overhaul the motor. Fleet Pride suggested the truck be inspected to determine if overhaul vs. new motor would be more cost effective. Dallin moved that the truck be taken to Fleet Pride and have the motor overhauled if cost effective. Gordon seconded and voting was unanimous by Dallin, Roger, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative.
  2. Drone donation- A drone has been donated by Slade Roofing to the Central Fire District. Jason Miller is one of two pilots that have licenses to fly the donated drone. There are SOP’s that need to be written for the use of this type of drone and Jason has received copies of SOPs from another drone pilot for us to use.
  3. 2024 property insurance update- Marie Olsen, representative of ICRMP, has suggested that we increase our property values by 8%. It is not possible to get an insurance policy for replacement value of property from ICRMP and in the past, we have adjusted the values a little each year. It has been 2 years since we last increased the values. An increase will not be effective until next year. Dallin moved to increase the values of the properties by 8% for the coming policy period. Roger seconded and voting was unanimous by Dallin, Roger, Mike, and Gordon in the affirmative.

FIRE CHIEF REPORT: During January 2024 there were 144 EMS calls, and 18 Fire calls. Most of the EMS’S calls are answered by ambulance. 

Battalion Chief input: No comments.

ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF: Nothing new to report.

ASSISTANT EMS CHIEF: Ambulance reports which are generated by Systems Design were not available at the commissioner meeting for January business. There was a problem with their computers which will cause a delay in the reporting.

Commissioners Report: We appreciate the work of all our personnel. Keep up the good work.

Roger-EMS Training/Gordon-Equipment /Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR