February 9, 2023 Minutes
Fire District Commissioner Meeting
Opening Prayer: Dallin called the meeting to order at 8:00. The opening prayer was offered by Gordon Ball. Those present were Commissioners Jim Deuel, Mike Miller, Dallin Gambles, Gordon Ball and Roger Anderson. Fire Chiefs Carl Anderson, Nic White, Jared Gianinni and BC’s, Mitch Bingham, Garth Foster, Brian Owens and Jim Kelly. Nile Hall was present to take minutes. There were no patrons present.
Agenda: The printed agenda was present for all in attendance to view.
Minutes: Jim moved to accept the minutes as presented. Mike second and voting was unanimous by Jim, Mike, Roger, Gordon, and Dallin in the affirmative.
Budget Review: Nile reported that expenditures were in line with the budget.
Approval of Expenditures—Action Item. Jim moved to accept the expenditures in the amount of $41,603.79 and payroll the amount of $75,011.55. Mike seconded. Sweep account: Roger moved to go ahead with the setup of a sweep account which will checking as needed. Gordon seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Mike, Roger, Gordon and Dallin in the affirmative.
• Life Pak purchase approved last month is under way and will be completed soon with the changes that are necessary for reprograming.
• Sweep account: Roger moved to go ahead with the setup of a sweep account which will combine our money into one sweep account that will move money into and out of our checking as needed. Gordon seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Mike, Roger, Gordon, and Dallin in the affirmative.
• Structural Fire Boots: After discussion regarding use of rubber or leather boots, Mike moved to go ahead with the purchase of Leather boots to replace several old ones that are wearing out. Roger seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Mike, Roger, Gordon, and Dallin in the affirmative.
• Flooring of station and administration office was discussed. Mike moved to proceed with replacing flooring in the administrative office and the training room within the budgeted amount of $40,000. Jim seconded and voting was unanimous by Jim, Mike, Roger, Gordon, and Dallin in the affirmative
FIRE CHIEF REPORT: Carl reported that they are working with the county on emergency responses for county personnel. Full timers are working with the
State Fire Marshall who is training them on how to business inspections. Also going to get some bids to replace some of the failing lights and fixtures. We have also been working with ICRMP regarding inventory which we are going to make sure we have the right amounts listed with storage of the information off site. BCs had nothing to report.
ASSISTANT CHIEF REPORTS: Nic reported that SOP added some additional verbiage to include the need to have spotters every time that a vehicle is backing up. Jared reported that there is going to be some major money spent in the next month or so to get the ambulance stocked and ready for use.
COMMISSIONER REPORTS: Commissioners had nothing to report.
Jim moved to adjourn, and Dallin seconded. The vote by Roger, Jim, Mike, Gordon, and Dallin was unanimous in the affirmative. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.
Roger-EMS & Training/Gordon-Equipment /Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR