October 13, 2022 Minutes
Fire District Commissioner Meeting
Opening Prayer: Jim called the meeting to order at 8:00. The opening prayer was offered by Dallin Gambles. Those present were Commissioners Gordon Ball, Jim Deuel, Mike Miller, Gordon Ball. Roger Anderson was excused. Fire Chiefs Carl Anderson, Nic White, and Jared Giannini; and BC’s, Mitch Bingham, Garth Foster, Corey Albertson and Jim Kelly. Nile Hall was present to take minutes. There were no patrons present.
Approval of Agenda– ACTION ITEM: Dallin moved to approve the agenda. Gordon seconded. The vote by Gordon, Jim, Mike and Dallin was unanimous in the affirmative.
Approval of Minutes – ACTION ITEM: The September 2022 minutes were reviewed by the commissioners previously. Mike moved to accept the minutes as written. Jim Dallin seconded. The vote by Gordon, Jim, Mike and Dallin was unanimous in the affirmative.
Budget Review: Nile reported that 100% of the year has been completed and we have spent less than the budget by approx. $44,000 for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.
Approval of Expenditures—Action Item. Dallin moved to accept the expenditures in the amount of $27,407.05 and payroll the amount of $68,068.50. Jim seconded The vote by Gordon, Jim, Mike and Dallin was unanimous in the affirmative.
- Cost of living adjustments were proposed as follows:
- Across the board raises for our part-time/volunteers of 6.25% which would raise them from $16 to $17 per hour.
- COLA raise of 6.25% for Chief and Assistant Chief.
- Make a new job classification as EMS Chief, with an annual salary of $73,600, Jared Giannini to fill that position.
- Increase the Office Manager wage to $20.00 per hour and increase the insurance stipend to $750 per month.
- No increase in stipends for the officers or Commissioners.
- Full time CFD employees Baylee Majors, Sam Corey and Ashton Davis to receive the 6.25% COLA adjustment.
- Cody Thornton, also a full time CFD employee to receive an 8% raise as he has the responsibility of coordinating work tasks for the other CFD Full time employees.
- Jim moved to accept the proposed cost of living adjustments and increases as proposed. Dallin seconded. The vote by Gordon, Jim, and Dallin was in the affirmative. Mike abstained from the vote.
- Disposition of Ririe Tender—Action Item.Jim moved to put the Ririe Tender up for sale by offering it to the City for $12,000. Mike seconded the action. The vote by Gordon, Jim, Mike and Dallin was unanimous in the affirmative.
FIRE CHIEF REPORT: Carl talked about a discussion that was held with the HOA of the Jefferson Greens subdivision. They would like the Fire District to come and test their stand-pipes on a semi-annual basis. The water system was never approved and no commitment was made in any way to perform that service at this time. During EMS calls and 14 fire calls. The district assisted others 4 times. Salmon Moose Lodge, Madison, Swan Valley, and Idaho Falls. There were no comments from the BC’s present.
ASSISTANT CHIEF REPORT: Niv reported that they are still looking for and building specs for a ladder truck that may be needed in the future.
COMMISSIONER REPORTS: Commissioners had nothing further.
Mike moved to adjourn, and Gordon seconded. The vote by Gordon, Jim, Mike and Dallin was unanimous in the affirmative.
Roger-EMS & Training/Gordon-Equipment /Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR