October 10, 2019 Minutes
Fire District Commissioner Meeting
Opening Prayer: Dallin Gambles called the meeting to order at 8:00. The opening prayer was offered by Jim Kelly. Those present were: Commissioners Jim Deuel, Dallin Gambles, Gordon Ball, and Roger Anderson; Fire Chief Carl Anderson and Assistant Fire Chief Nic White; Battalion Chiefs Jim Kelly, Blaine Ker, Mitch Bingham, and Corey Albertson. CFD attorney Dennis Wilkinson was present. Melanie Sullivan recorded the minutes. There were only a couple of patrons present. Mike was out of town.
Approval of Agenda– ACTION ITEM: Jim moved to approve the agenda as written. Gordon seconded. The vote by Jim, Dallin, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous.
Approval of Minutes – ACTION ITEM: The minutes were reviewed by the commissioner’s previously. Roger moved to accept the minutes, including the change that Carl suggested. Gordon seconded. The vote by Jim, Dallin, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous.
Budget Review: Melanie reported that we are at the end of the budget year and we have spent 86% of the budget. The excess will go into the savings account for future needs.
Approval of Expenditures – ACTION ITEM Jim reviewed the expenditures and mentioned that this amount includes the purchase of the new brush truck and the chase vehicle along with reasonable monthly expenditures. He moved to approve the expenses in the amount of $178,793.33. Roger seconded. The vote by Jim, Dallin, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous.
- Disposition of 2006 Chevy pickup/Chase 1 and 1982 FMC – DISCUSSION ITEM: Carl made contact with the auction service and they will not have an auction until January, so Carl advertised the bid items. He put a minimum bid on the Chevy of $5000 and they have received a couple of sealed bids on it. They do not have a bid yet on the FMC. They will open the bids a week from tonight.
- Adam Hall – website – DISCUSSION ITEM: Nile represented Adam. Adam wanted to find out if the website is doing what the commissioners have expected or if there are changes that he could make. Carl said they are happy with the website. Alisa or Jared will contact Adam if they feel they need to make changes. Dallin suggested adding the boundary map.
- Flu shots for personnel – ACTION ITEM: Carl asked if the district would once again pay for personnel flu shots. Jim moved to get that done. Roger seconded. The vote by Jim, Dallin, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous.
FIRE CHIEF REPORT: Carl feels pretty good about being under budget. He feels that the district is progressing on a lot of things. Rebecca Squires with the county purchased three new radios through the emergency funding. He would like to replace more radios throughout the next year, and that has been included in next year’s budget. He went to a USWIG meeting. In leu of memorandums of understanding with each individual district in the area, USWIG created one memorandum of understanding that includes 26 districts in the Upper Snake River Valley. This does not obligate the district to help, but it does mean that the individual districts can have extra help on big calls. Carl said that they have some money in the budget for turn outs in this next year. 98 EMS calls 21 Fire calls.
– Battalion Chief input: There was no Battalion Chief input.
ASSISTANT CHIEF REPORT: Nic reported on Ririe’s EMS truck. The chassis is on the lot, but they are waiting for the box to get there.
COMMISSIONER REPORTS: Dallin said that it is pretty awesome to be apart of this group. Roger said that Eric Day of Idaho Falls met CFD on a call on County Line and Eric said that Central Fire was the best unit they have worked with.
Jim moved to adjourn at 8:20. Roger seconded. The vote by Jim, Dallin, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous.
Roger-EMS & Training/Gordon-Equipment /Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR