July 11, 2019 Minutes

Opening Prayer: Mike called the meeting to order at 8pm The opening prayer was offered by Gordon Ball.  Those present were: Commissioners Mike Miller, Jim Deuel, Gordon Ball, and Roger Anderson; Fire Chief Carl Anderson and Assistant Fire Chief Nic White; Battalion Chiefs Blaine Ker and Mitch Bingham with Corey Albertson representing Lewisville and Jeanne Kerbs representing station 1. Dallin Gambles was unable to attend. There were a handful of patrons present.  Melanie Sullivan recorded the minutes

Approval of Agenda– ACTION ITEM: Jim moved to accept agenda as presented.  Roger seconded.  The vote by Mike, Jim, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous. 

Approval of Minutes – ACTION ITEM: The minutes were reviewed by the commissioners previously.  Roger moved to accept the minutes.  Gordon seconded.  The vote by Mike, Jim, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous. 

Budget Review: Melanie reviewed the budget. We are 4% over in our payroll budget category, but we are comfortably under in the overall budget.   

Approval of Expenditures – ACTION ITEM:  Mike reviewed the expenditures and did not find anything unexpected. He moved to approve the expenditures of $13,625.41. Jim seconded.  The vote by Mike, Jim, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous. 


  1. BLM excess truck arrival – DISCUSSION ITEM Nic reported that the truck was received yesterday.  Named 491 as per USIWG agreement. 


  1. Discuss and vote on executive session.  Executive session requested pursuant to Idaho code 74-206 (1) (a) (b). Personnel evaluations:  Jim moved to approve the executive session immediately.  Roger seconded.   The vote by Mike, Jim, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous.  The patrons and Battalion chiefs were dismissed for a few minutes.

The meeting was resumed at 8:21 pm. 

  • Amkus cutters Station 1 – ACTION ITEM:  Carl reported that the Amkus cutters are getting extremely slow and not cutting through material like they should.  They are 20 years old.  The replacement cutter will cost $7,170 plus freight.  Jim moved to replace the cutters.  Gordon seconded. The vote by Mike, Jim, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous.  
  • Forgone money – DISCUSSION ITEM:  Each year, the fire district is allowed to increase its budget by 3%.  Some years the district did not increase the budget by a full 3% in an effort to keep the levy low. The difference between what was actually budgeted and the allowable 3% is called “foregone” money and is available for the district to spend if we request it.  Jim explained that there is quite a bit of money over the years that the district could have gone for but did not.  In order to use the foregone money, we would need to declare what we would spend the money on ahead of time.  With the greatly increased property value that is coming this year, Jim feels that we do not need to go for the foregone money. 
  • Communication replacement – DISCUSSION ITEM:  Carl has been getting the radios repaired.  The equipment is 12 years old.  Carl would like to include new radios in the budget for new budget year and start replacing radios on rotation. Jim thinks this would be a good idea. 
  • Personnel salary raises – ACTION ITEM:  In the executive session, the commissioners and Carl discussed raises for Assistant Chief, Assistant to the Chief, and the office secretary. They would like to raise Alisa’s salary from $14 to $15, effective the new budget year.  They would raise Carl from $70,000 to $72,000, effective in the new budget year.  Jared would receive a raise to $40,000 effective this month along with his current 10 hours of overtime a month.  Nic would be raised to $65,000, effective on his anniversary month in August.  Jim moved to accept these raises Roger seconded.  The vote by Mike, Jim, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous. 
  • Budget requests and discussion – DISCUSSION ITEM: Nile Hall explained the how the budget and levy work.  Jim pointed out that for the last 6 years, the levy has decreased 27%.  He thinks that to provide for the needed level of service, we need to take the full amount that we can (increase the budget by 3% plus the levy rate on new construction) without increasing the levy rate.  Nile estimated that leaving the levy at the current rate, it will generate about $152,000 more than what we budgeted last year because of the increase property values.  The budget hearing will be on August 8. 

FIRE CHIEF REPORT:  We had a visit from state EMS to credential the QRU.  It went really well. 

He has been talking with leadership and says that they are stretched thin in trying to answer QRU calls so they are looking at options to get these calls covered.  For the first 11 days of the July, they have already had 61 or 62 calls.

They have a new Battalion chief at station three: Corey Albertson.  
        – Battalion Chief input:  There was no Battalion Chief input.

ASSISTANT CHIEF REPORT: Nic updated them on the truck they have ordered.   He is hoping to have it by the end of July. 

They did get a bid prepared for the new Ririe truck and Dennis, CFD attorney, looked it over.  It is ready to be put out.    It has been recommended that when ordering trucks that we require truck builders to have a service center within a 400 mile radius of our location. Dennis Wilkinson, CFD Attorney, agreed in previous conversation that it is good business practice to require that.

COMMISSIONER REPORTS:  Roger moved to adjourn at 8:47. Gordon seconded.  The vote by Mike, Jim, Gordon, and Roger was unanimous. 

            Roger-EMS & Training/Gordon-Equipment /Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR