February 2019 Newsletter


  • Red Card class February 15th 6:00 PM & 16th 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM @ Menan station. RSVP to district office
  • The office will be closed Monday, February 18th for President’s Day
  • Meth lab class February 20th 6:30 PM in Dubois. RSVP to district office
  • Red Card class February 22nd 6:00 PM & 23rd 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM @ Menan station. RSVP to district office
  • Propane fire training March 2nd 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM in Hamer. RSVP to district office
  • Mud Lake Super Saturday March 16th 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM. RSVP to district office, check email for schedule


  • Thanks to the Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for providing some great training on report writing last month. For those of you who were unable to attend, we will be sending out a summary of what he discussed. Definitely food for thought on the quality of our reports and your ability to defend them!
  • As seen by the calendar and scheduling, we are interacting more with outlying agencies. The Upper Snake River Valley area is seeing a lot of growth. Every department/district in the area sees the need for combined training just to keep up with the speed of growth!
  • We have been informed that we will be seeing more townhouses in the Rigby area. There are several townhouses going up near the courthouse. A contractor/owner informed us of his intention to build townhouses that will add up to 51 single family units. As we all know, that does not happen overnight, but watch the growth!
  • There is also continued building in the northwest section of Rigby. Anyone that has driven in that area can see houses and townhomes sprouting from the ground there as well. With all this growth, we know that we will probably be busier than ever. We have our finger on the “pulse of the district” and are continuing to monitor.
  • “Mentors can make a powerful difference within your organization. It’s easy to cut an apple and see how many seeds are in it, but there’s no way of telling how many apples can come from just one seed.” Unknown author
    Thanks for being good mentors and always providing great customer service! -Assistant Chief White


Station 1

  • EMS – 72 (+14)
  • Fire – 10 (+-0)

Station 2

  • EMS – 22 (+8)
  • Fire – 1 (-2)

Station 3

  • EMS – 2 (-4)
  • Fire – 1 (+-0)

Station 4

  • EMS – 16 (+-0)
  • Fire – 0 (-1)