May 9, 2017 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting

Opening Prayer: Mike called the meeting to order at 8:04. Jim Kelly offered the opening prayer.   Those present were commissioners Mike Miller, Gordon Ball, and Dallin Gambles; Battalion Chiefs Blaine Ker, Jim Kelly and Nic White, with Adam Rhodes filling in for Mitch Bingham. Fire Chief Bryan Grover and Assistant Fire Chief Carl Anderson were present. CFD attorney Dennis Wilkinson was present. Melanie Sullivan was recording the minutes. Roger Anderson was present via telephone conferencing. Jim Deuel was absent. There were a few patrons present, including the mayor of Menan.

Agenda Approval: Dallin moved to accept the agenda. Gordon seconded. The vote by Mike, Gordon, Roger and Dallin was unanimous.

Minutes: The minutes were reviewed previously by the commissioners. Dallin moved to accept the minutes. Gordon seconded. The vote by Mike, Gordon, Roger and Dallin was unanimous.

Budget Review: Melanie reviewed the budget. Some categories are higher than where we would ideally like them to be, but with the high number of calls this years and preparation for the eclipse, it is not unexpected. There is a cushion built into the budget to accommodate an unexpected high number of calls.

Approval of Expenditures: Dallin reviewed the expenditures and moved to accept the expenditures. Gordon seconded. The vote by Mike, Roger, Gordon, and Dallin was unanimous.

Patron Input (3 minute time limit):

Doug Stevenson brought up an issue with the computer reporting system. Anyone can access them. He explained that he filled out a report and needed to add to it later but when he went to add the additional information, the report had been changed with Doug’s signature still attached. Changing a report with someone else’s name on it is a unethical and illegal. Doug called into state and has investigated a computer program that could be a possible solution but is expensive. Carl suggested that maybe a hard copy can be made of reports and put under lock and key.

Graham Whipple suggested that Adobe might be the way to go. Bryan will look into this problem farther.


  1. Active 911 subscription: Bryan said that the Active 911 subscription is due in about a week.

Roger met with Dwayne who is over dispatch in Idaho Falls. They are trying to resolve the issue that sometimes Ririe QRU is not dispatched in a timely manner. They are going to try to connect to a pager system that would include leadership out in Ririe. They are hoping that long term they can connect directly into the CAD system.

Mike and Carl will meet with Dwayne to go over the maps to make sure that roads are correctly labeled and up to date.

  1. Shay Hartwell senior project – fire cadet program: Shay will need to talk to the Principal during the day and would like to have a couple of commissioners go with her.
  2. Solar eclipse: Bryan talked with Madison about bringing an EMS trailer, if available, and an ambulance out to the Buttes. INL has dedicated an ambulance to come. There will be a staging area for emergency personnel in the Twin Butte road parking area.


  1. Architect presentation – Graham Whipple: He has reviewed concepts with a commissioner and some Chiefs. He has also completed the contract with Dennis Wilkinson and it is ready to be signed. Graham showed a computer presentation of the design of the Menan building. The overall feeling was that this was a good design. In the coming month, they will go over possible materials, finalize the design and have the cost narrowed down.

The mayor of Menan brought up that Graham should work with planning and zoning as soon as possible to make sure that the building is in compliance with city ordinances. Graham will present the design to the city council in the next month.

FIRE CHIEF REPORT: Bryan said that truck 161 is being painted and then it will be put back in to service.

He met with MES to donate used SCBAs to some smaller fire departments in the area.

He went to the Idaho Fire Chief’s conference and he learned a lot.

Many mutual Aid agreements are due for renewal. There will be a few beneficial changes in these agreements.

He has not gotten anybody to commit to cost sharing for new communication equipment, but they are still working on it.

The EpiPens are soon expiring and need to be replaced. Since these pens are $835 a pair, they are looking into less expensive options such as directly drawing up ampoules.

ASST. CHIEF REPORT: Carl reported that they are looking into options for replacing the expiring EpiPens. They sent back some recalled EpiPens and got a refund on them.

They are having a drill with the BLM. Carl has been tasked to feed the people at the drill but the cost will be reimbursed.

Station 1.
Jim Kelly said they had 57 EMS and 4 fire calls. They landed four helicopters last month.   There are a few people who are interested in joining station1.

Station 2. Blaine Kerr: 11 EMs and 2 fire calls.

Station 3. Nic White: 4 EMS and 1 fire call. His EMTS are practicing to take the national registry test. They are wanting more EMTs.

Station 4. Adam Rhodes filling in for Mitch Bingham: 7 EMS and 1 fire call.


Mike commended the responders for the professionalism and compassion shown on the calls that they have been out on. Some of the calls have not been easy.

He extended the appreciation of the students of Rigby High School to the Fire District for helping them through a hard time.

Gordon moved to close the meeting. Dallin seconded.

Roger-EMS & Training/Gordon-Equipment /Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR