April 13, 2017 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting

Roger called the meeting to order at 8:08. Opening Prayer was offered by Dallin Gambles. Those present were Commissioners Mike Miller, Jim Deuel, Roger Anderson, Gordon Ball, and Dallin Gambles along with Battalion Chiefs Jim Kelly, Mitch Bingham, Nic White and Blaine Kerr. Also present were Fire Chief Bryan Grover, Assistant Fire Chief Carl Anderson, and CFD Attorney Dennis Wilkinson. Melanie Sullivan was recording the minutes. There were a few patrons present.

Agenda Approval: Roger asked that discussion with CFD attorney Dennis Wilkinson be added to the agenda. Mike moved to add the discussion to the agenda under old business. Jim seconded. The vote by Jim, Mike, Dallin, Roger, and Gordon was unanimous.

Minutes: Jim moved to accept the minutes as they have been emailed to the commissioners and reviewed previously. Mike seconded. The vote by Jim, Mike, Dallin, Roger, and Gordon was unanimous.

Budget Review: Melanie reviewed the budget. The repairs budget was over for the month, but the rest of the expenses for the month was under budget. The budget for the year is slightly higher than where we would like it to be at this time in the fiscal year, but given the high number of calls this year, it is not unexpected . Jim accepted the budget review. Mike seconded. The vote by Jim, Mike, Dallin, Roger, and Gordon was unanimous.

Approval of Expenditures:  Dallin reviewed the expenditures and reported finding nothing unusual. He moved to accept the expenditures. Gordon seconded. The vote by Jim, Mike, Dallin, Roger, and Gordon was unanimous.

Patron Input (3 minute time limit): Jason Averill asked where they are in working with dispatch to call out the QRU in a timely manner. Mike reported that he feels that it is getting better, but there is still room for improvement. Roger is going to training with dispatch and he will address the issue. Jason said that he would like to see the QRU dispatched before the ambulance, since the QRU can reach the victims quicker.


  1. Jefferson County fair kids day donation: Bryan purchased a telescope for the fair.
  2. Shay Hartwell senior project – fire cadet program: Shay reported that she surveyed some students in the school and felt like there was enough kids interested in the program to make it worthwhile. Shay would like to discuss it with the school board to make sure they are okay with recruiting students and to work with Bryan to develop the curriculum.
  3. May commissioner meeting date: May 9th at 8 o’clock.
  4. Flashlights for SCBA packs: They came in two days ago and will be inventoried and put into service.
  5. New tower sites/interoperability box: Bryan reported that Bonneville volunteered to give them a repeater. It might be possible to get Bonneville to share in the cost as well since they will also benefit. Madison County has offered to share some of the cost. They would like to get it in before the high radio traffic of the eclipse, but only if they can do so prudently. Roger will talk to Bonneville when he talks to dispatch about them contributing financially. Bryan will moved forward getting bids and getting commitments to help fund the equipment from Madison and Bonneville.
  6. Number of concurrent calls: Carl reported that there were a number of back to back calls during the month and one concurrent call.
  7. Chassis for Brush 1: Bryan reported that he has only been able to find one used chassis and it is old. The commissioners are thinking it would ultimately be more cost effective to get a new chassis rather than a used one, considering how expensive even an old chassis is. They would use the money already set side and allotted for a new tanker for Ririe and purchase the tanker for Ririe in the next budget year, since it will take at least that long to get a tanker made. Jim moved to allow Bryan to get bids for a new chassis. Bryan will continue to look for a company to build a tanker for Ririe, but the expense won’t come out until the next fiscal year. Mike seconded. The vote by Jim, Mike, Dallin, Roger, and Gordon was unanimous.
  8. State Insurance Fund: That was discussed last month.
  9. Demolition bids for Menan property: The bid was given last month. They are getting close to demolition time.
  10. Discussions regarding architect for Menan station: The commissioners had a meeting last Thursday, April 6th where they chose Graham Whipple as the architect for the new Menan building. Roger asked that the fifth bay and the tower be bid out as a separate option. Roger asked what the rate is for the architect. The architect estimated $65,000 for full architectural services. Roger also asked how long it will take to get things started. Graham will work with Dennis Wilkinson to negotiation a contract. Graham would like to meet with Bryan within the next week to get started with the preliminaries. Graham is estimating mid June for a bid on construction. He is estimating $900k for construction.
  11. Dennis Wilkinson: He is preparing a deed for the land transfer of the Menan property for the library district. He will get that very soon.


  1. Active 911 subscription: Bryan reported that the cost is about $1200 but wanted to make the commissioners aware of the cost.
  2. Solar eclipse: Bryan reported that has attended several solar eclipse meetings is expecting a huge influx of people. Roger asked what the fire department needs to do to be prepared. Bryan said that the radio system and the cell phone system will likely be overwhelmed. Roger asked that some type of plan be in place to handle the potentially large volume of calls.

FIRE CHIEF REPORT: Bryan reported that they haven’t been as busy. They are getting the trucks services so that they are ready to go. Morale is pretty good.

ASST. CHIEF REPORT: Carl reported that he has been going to the solar eclipse meetings.


Station 1. Jim Kelly reported 59 EMS calls and 4 fire calls. They needed to use the AEDs and they worked perfectly. They responded to a motorcycle/car accident and ended up saving a leg. Jim recognized specifically the efforts of BC Kelly on this call.

Station 2. Blaine Ker: 11 EMS calls, 2 fires. Morale is good.

Station 3. Nic White is the new BC for station 3. He reported 6 EMS calls and 1 fire call. They have 3 volunteers in the EMS class. Corey Albertson will remain the captain with Whit Albertson as Lieutenant.

Station 4. Mitch Bingham reported 6 EMS calls and 1 fire call. They have been training on the old Coop building.


Roger-EMS & Training/Gordon-Equipment /Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR

Dallin said that he was asked if the Fire district has any equipment to move a very, very large person. Carl said they have a people mover that will move up to 600+ lbs.

Jim moved to adjourn . Gordon seconded. The vote by Jim, Mike, Dallin, Roger, and Gordon was unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 9:49.