December 8, 2016 Minutes

Fire District Commissioner Meeting

Jim called the meeting to order at 6:30. Those present were commissioners Jim, Dallin, Roger, Mike, and Gordon along with Battalion Chiefs Jim Kelly and Mitch Bingham. Also present was Fire Chief Bryan Grover and Assistant Fire Chief Carl Anderson. Melanie Sullivan was present recording the minutes. Mike offered the opening prayer.

Agenda Approval: Mike moved to accept the agenda as presented. Roger seconded. The vote was unanimous by Mike, Jim, Dallin, Gordon, and Roger.

Minutes: The minutes were reviewed by all of the commissioners previously. Roger moved to accept the minutes. Gordon seconded. The vote by Jim, Dallin, Mike, Gordon and Roger was unanimous.

Budget Review: Melanie reported that the levy has decreased by 8.5%. We are under budget for the year so far by 13%.

Approval of Expenditures: Mike reviewed the expenditures for the month of November and moved to accept the expenditures as presented. Gordon seconded. The vote by Jim, Mike, Dallin, Roger, and Gordon was unanimous.

Patron Input: There were no patrons present.


  1. Valley Wide paperwork follow up: Bryan talked to Dave and asked for a signed copy of the agreement. Dave will send one.
  2. Idaho Falls dispatch & mutual aid: Carl took it to Dennis and Dennis is satisfied that it is a good agreement. Helping Swan Valley was not under the mutual aid agreement at the time. Bryan did ask and receive approval from Jim to help on the Swan Valley chapel fire. There has still been some confusion with dispatch but it is getting much better.
  3. Ririe generator: It is in process of being installed.
  4. Lewisville land: Gordon took the land agreement to Lewisville City Council. Lewisville is still working on getting the legal description of the land.


  1. Conceptual design for Menan building:

An architect from our district and has offered help. He is not licensed in Idaho but in Minnesota has offered to make a conceptual drawing that can be taken to an architect.

Bryan will get bids for the architecture and get paperwork together for the demolition. He has also been asked for a timeline on the demolition.

FIRE CHIEF REPORT: Ririe fire broke a grab handle off the side of their Pumper.

Station one drove out of the building and took off the opened SCBA door. There was damage to the truck and the building including an overhead door and post.

163 blew a transfer case. It was repaired in one day. He also took the old brush truck in for repair.

ASST. CHIEF REPORT: The furnace went out at Station 1 and was repaired for $400 after getting bids. The furnaces should have 5 or more useful years left. A 30 year old heater in the service bay has a cracked heat exchanger. Carl will get bids to replace the heater.

B.C. reports:

Mitch and Jim reported that they have been very busy.

The Agenda was amended to include the appointment of a new commissioner chairman. Mike moved to appoint Roger as the new chairman for the upcoming year. Gordon seconded. The vote by Jim, Mike, Dallin, Roger, and Gordon was unanimous.


Mike moved to adjourn at 7. Roger seconded. The vote by Jim, Mike, Dallin, Roger, and Gordon was unanimous.

Roger-EMS & Training/Gordon-Equipment /Dallin-Facilities/Jim-Budget/Mike-PR